Power shortcuts for managing tabs

Manage & switch infinite tabs in seconds


Switch to URLs using hotkeys

Switch to an existing URL or open the URL in a new tab with 2 keystrokes.

  1. Open Quick Switch window using Alt/Option+J
  2. Navigate to that tab by pressing the defined hotkey

Cycle between same domains

Switch between domains having the same URL using the keyboard shortcut Alt/Option+Shift+K 
ex., If there are 3 tabs with the same domain(google.com) open in your window, use the shortcut to cycle between these tabs

Cycle between favorite URLs

You can mark a URL as favorite when creating a new shortcut from ‘Add shortcut’ page.

Once marked as favorite, press Alt/Option+K to cycle between all the favorite URLs that are open in your window

Sort tabs alphabetically by URL

Press Alt/Option+Shift+J to sort all your tabs in alphabetical order

View all tabs from your window

Go to Tabs menu to see all the tabs from current window. Click to switch to that tab.

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Quick Switch will help you maximize & boost your productivity.

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